Welcome to REVELATION NATION a vortex like place where
"closure is a fiction" and "a man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do"!

Sunday 27 January 2008

Current mood: la la laaaaaaa

la la la la laaaaaaaaa

Exhilarating performance is too young
ha ha ha haaaa
this is not real a voice sings in L I
kiss your knees a lot of people see green lights
broken flower pots take directions in SE17
traffic stalls life as it goes easy most of the time
take a shorter
sirens bleed through heroes
sky loud echo take eyes to a fascinating head
look for raindrops taste mirrors transfer to
..:namespace prefix = :smarttags"
/>Nigeria blue elephants forget the breeze
stop start and you go tempt the lady in the news to 50% free fitting pupils
did hurt taste
towards waterloo specialist transport automated
I where other people you where I
'oh right yeah'
don't sit
did I say that I love you in 1667 I'm saying
NO to knives and saying petrol by tapping my feet
the urban spectrum challenges the take away nation to FADS
and payday loans the alley leads to gateway 1 and 4
and to be honest there is still a little bit of your taste on the broken concrete
I don't like weakness the abbey calls says switch to 4 take the 12
half price eyes look out from week floating in neon leggings
zone ends
poor little rich boy don't think his name tells stories of woe in open lights
eco friendly is echo friendly is the enemy in an email
this stone has moved to a younger location
on a street adidas lines look back at me through muted prit-stick
did I see a sea shell water wont mix paint carbon monoxide lunch available Sunday
45 exhausts waaaaack
fresh meat converts to square at push he takes you home
first time the telephone
lights on the wind fuses press to present zone seems to deal with dragons
and a generator sits in a biscuit tin on the round a bout
did you know demolition image fusion quickens the bible here every Wednesday
hood up got the nerve?
Its fun it's the red route-
we are living our own life fastest load 1 million virgins cry.

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