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"closure is a fiction" and "a man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do"!

Sunday, 18 November 2007


The dreamweaver project is becoming more complex by the day...after many ideas about the power of links and how this can affect our reading and our writing strategy...I have worked out what I want to explore. (?)

Is it possible to create a seemingly never ending structure where the reader becomes fully involved with the experience.?
Take something ordered and turn it to DISorder?
from structure to chaos?

The concept is to create a procedural piece which in theory could keep expanding and moving away from the original text.

The structure comes in the form of the ALPHABET

dislocating this using an already established finished work

The finfished work comes in the form of Radioheads OK Computer

1 comment:

Anna said...

Interesting! I like the philosophy of the link, did you read Jeff Parker "A Poetics of the Link" and George Dillon "Dada Photomontage and net art sitemaps", (they are online essays the links are in the course book? xxx I love the ideas of links being a labyrinth leading to infinity...The Book of Sand..